
Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen

Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Die Bundesregierung hat mit mehr als 40 Internationalen Organisationen Abkommen zur Förderung von deutschen Nachwuchskräften als JPO geschlossen. Die Federführung des Programms liegt beim Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ); das Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) ist verantwortlich für die Durchführung des Programms. Angesprochen sind Bewerber*innen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit und mit erster Berufserfahrung nach abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium.

Da es sich um ein Nachwuchsförderprogramm handelt, sollten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber im Regelfall zwischen zwei bis vier Jahren Berufserfahrung haben. 

Wichtige Informationen zur Bewerbung (Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen, Bewerbungsformular, Details zur Stellenbeschreibung etc.) finden Sie auf unserer Website unter, Stichwort: JPO-Programm. 

Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 16. Februar 2025, 24.00 Uhr MEZ


UNEP – JPO, Associate Scientific Affairs Officer, Nairobi, Chiffre Nr. 2025-1-14 

Junior Professional Officer (JPO), Associate Scientific Affairs Officer, Nairobi
Sector/Unit: Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS)
Duration: 2 years with the possibility of extension for another year. 
Please note that for participants of the JPO-Programme two years of work experience are mandatory!

Main duties and responsibilities (Examples):

  • Support efforts to strengthen the science-policy interface; mobilizing the science, research and technology community and science-related institutional capability, in the service of key and environmental challenges.
  • Manage projects including engaging implementing partners and sub-contractors through UNEP legal instruments; establishing systems for project implementation, monitoring and evaluation; reporting to the donor and UNEP; and managing the day-to-day work of the project partners.
  • Support efforts to develop and implement an organization-wide framework and approach for strategic foresight and prioritization for input into annual and strategic planning.
  • Provide substantive and technical inputs to support the overall science direction and country/ regional needs that require UNEP attention.
  • Serve as a focal point for emerging issues and horizon scanning across all disciplines of environmental science, keeping abreast of analyses and reports on latest developments.
  • Support the development of a new UNEP Science Strategy including coordination of input across divisions and regional offices.
  • Provide substantive support to organize and participate in relevant working groups, meetings, conferences, consultation with other agencies and partners on scientific matters.
  • Provide well researched and sound analysis of issues and developments affecting programme/ project development, administration and implementation.
  • Build positive rapport; liaise and interact with colleagues and concerned parties internally and externally.

Profile of qualification:


  • Master’s Degree in one or more specialized disciplines of environmental science or a related field.


  • A minimum of two years of relevant professional experience with government agencies, non-governmental and/or international organizations working at the science-policy interface and preferably in environmental science, sustainability or a related field.
  • Prior experience in contributing to project design or program management in complex socio-economic settings an advantage. 
  • Complimentary knowledge or experience on the work of the United Nations and international environmental affairs are preferred.

Key Competencies:

  • Fluency in English.
  • Familiarity with and experience in the use of various research methodologies and sources, including data analysis, visualization and research design.
  • Experience as a Research Assistant and background and education in environmental science or related field is desired.
  • Computer literacy, especially with MS Word and Excel.

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