Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen
Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Die Bundesregierung hat mit mehr als 40 Internationalen Organisationen Abkommen zur Förderung von deutschen Nachwuchskräften als JPO geschlossen. Die Federführung des Programms liegt beim Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ); das Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) ist verantwortlich für die Durchführung des Programms. Angesprochen sind Bewerber*innen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit und mit erster Berufserfahrung nach abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium.
Da es sich um ein Nachwuchsförderprogramm handelt, sollten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber im Regelfall zwischen zwei bis vier Jahren Berufserfahrung haben.
Wichtige Informationen zur Bewerbung (Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen, Bewerbungsformular, Details zur Stellenbeschreibung etc.) finden Sie auf unserer Website unter www.bfio.de, Stichwort: JPO-Programm.
Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 16. Februar 2025, 24.00 Uhr MEZ
UNCTAD – JPO in Economic Affairs, Geneva, Chiffre Nr. 2025-1-17
Junior Professional Officer (JPO) in Economic Affairs, Geneva
Sector/Unit: Economic Affairs
Duration: 2 years with the possibility of extension for another year.
Please note that for participants of the JPO-Programme two years of work experience are mandatory!
Main duties and responsibilities (Examples):
- Contribute to analysis in the areas of economic, social and environmental development.
- Assess the impact of trade and trade policy on climate change and environmental sustainability. Review approaches of “greening” global and regional value chains.
- Investigate the benefits and costs of Voluntary Sustainability Standards.
- Maintain databases and programmes for database management and organizes trade policy information.
- Drafts studies, presentations, and policy briefs based on statistics and qualitative socio-economic information.
- Assist in the design, testing, operation and modification of econometric models.
- Prepare briefing notes, inputs to speeches and similar material on economic or sector issues.
- Assist in the organization and servicing of expert group meetings, seminars, etc..
- Prepare communication materials including social media content for research conducted in the branch. Assist in developing a communication strategy.
- Prepare inputs for reports to intergovernmental bodies.
- Follow intergovernmental meetings and prepare summary reports and similar material.
- Assist in the organization of panels, round tables etc..
- Develop and implement projects to promote climate-smart trade-related regulations and development strategies to benefit from de-carbonization.
- Support technical cooperation with the African Continental Free Trade Area.
- Support capacity building in developing countries.
- Monitor, backstop and assess the implementation of technical cooperation programmes and projects.
Profile of qualification:
- Master’s degree in economics, statistics, trade law or related field preferably with quantitative orientation.
- A minimum of two years of relevant work experience in analyzing trade policy issues, such as trade related regulations, trade agreements and/or trade law.
- Experience on environmental or climate change issues is an asset..
Key Competencies:
- Fluency in English.
- Knowledge of another UN language is an advantage.
- Knowledge of a statistical software such as Stata, R or SQL is an asset.
If you like our job board, please refer to epojobs in your application 🙏