
Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen

Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Die Bundesregierung hat mit mehr als 40 Internationalen Organisationen Abkommen zur Förderung von deutschen Nachwuchskräften als JPO geschlossen. Die Federführung des Programms liegt beim Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ); das Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) ist verantwortlich für die Durchführung des Programms. Angesprochen sind Bewerber*innen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit und mit erster Berufserfahrung nach abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium.

Da es sich um ein Nachwuchsförderprogramm handelt, sollten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber im Regelfall zwischen zwei bis vier Jahren Berufserfahrung haben. 

Wichtige Informationen zur Bewerbung (Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen, Bewerbungsformular, Details zur Stellenbeschreibung etc.) finden Sie auf unserer Website unter, Stichwort: JPO-Programm. 

Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 16. Februar 2025, 24.00 Uhr MEZ


UN-Habitat – JPO, Associate Human Settlement Officer (Development & Humanitarian), Nairobi, Chiffre Nr. 2025-1-25 

Junior Professional Officer (JPO), Associate Human Settlement Officer (Development & Humanitarian), Nairobi
Sector/Unit: Human Settlements Programme/ Regional Programme Division
Duration: 2 years with the possibility of extension for another year. 
Please note that for participants of the JPO-Programme two years of work experience are mandatory!

Main duties and responsibilities (Examples):

  • Assist the country and regional offices in the design and preparation of operational programme/project on development, humanitarian, disaster deduction, emergency relief and related issues and in various follow-up activities.
  • Research, analyze, and present information gathered from diverse sources on related programme, projects or specific topics/issues, regarding the Humanitarian, Development Financial Initiatives on possible resource mobilization and fund raising.
  • Contribute to the preparation of various written documents. 
  • Develop and maintain relevant information collected by RPD, specifically related to operation in development and humanitarian context countries; respond to various internal and external inquiries on RPD. 
  • Assist in the production of appeals for international assistance related to development and humanitarian issues to support respective country programmes.
  • Assist in the organization of meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.
  • Maintain awareness of current development and humanitarian affairs and related issues.
  • Participate in technical assistance, disaster assessment or other missions.
  • Participate in project/programme formulation and mobilization of relevant resources. 
  • Coordinate with regional offices and Inter-regional Advisors on projects/programmes information.

Profile of qualification:


  • Master’s degree in social science, public administration, international studies, economics, sustainable development or relevant field. 


  • A minimum of two years of work experience at the national and/or international level in sustainable development, urban planning and design, humanitarian affairs, emergency preparedness, rehabilitation, economics, project management, or related area. 
  • Proven experience in Project Management, Planning and/or in the implementation of projects is preferred.
  • Previous Work experience in the UN or other international development organizations and familiarity with working in different field offices and countries would be an asset..

Key Competencies:

  • Fluency in English.
  • Knowledge of French would be an added advantage.
  • Accuracy and professionalism in document production and editing.
  • Solid overall computer literacy.

If you like our job board, please refer to epojobs in your application 🙏