
Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen

Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Die Bundesregierung hat mit mehr als 40 Internationalen Organisationen Abkommen zur Förderung von deutschen Nachwuchskräften als JPO geschlossen. Die Federführung des Programms liegt beim Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ); das Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) ist verantwortlich für die Durchführung des Programms. Angesprochen sind Bewerber*innen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit und mit erster Berufserfahrung nach abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium.

Da es sich um ein Nachwuchsförderprogramm handelt, sollten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber im Regelfall zwischen zwei bis vier Jahren Berufserfahrung haben. 

Wichtige Informationen zur Bewerbung (Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen, Bewerbungsformular, Details zur Stellenbeschreibung etc.) finden Sie auf unserer Website unter, Stichwort: JPO-Programm. 

Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 11. August  2024, 24.00 Uhr MEZ


UNFPA - JPO, Programme Analyst, GBV prevention, Maseru and Nairobi, Chiffre Nr. 2024-2-55 

Junior Professional Officer (JPO), Programme Analyst, GBV prevention, Maseru and Nairobi
Sector/Unit: Gender-based Violence
Duration: 2 years with the possibility of extension for another year. 
Please note that for participants of the JPO-Programme two years of work experience are mandatory!

Main duties and responsibilities (Examples):

  • Provide support for the development and implementation of GBV prevention programs and initiatives, based on UNFPA’s comparative advantage.
  • Work to support the rollout of a Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation plan to strengthen GBV prevention, including resource mobilization efforts.
  • Support the evaluation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation plan, to determine the effectiveness of Comprehensive Sexuality Education programmes in preventing GBV in Lesotho.
  • Support to conduct assessments and research to identify and analyze GBV trends, drivers, and contributing factors in Lesotho through comparative and secondary data analysis.
  • Support the Lesotho in developing, implementing, scaling-up, measuring and evaluating GBV prevention strategies.
  • Support the roll-out of the GBV prevention RESPECT framework, in partnership with other UN Organizations in Lesotho.
  • Develop and maintain effective partnerships with relevant organizations, government agencies, and community-based organizations to promote GBV prevention.
  • Participate in the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation frameworks to measure the impact of GBV prevention programs and initiatives.
  • Support knowledge sharing processes by ensuring that the Lesotho office colleagues are continuously abreast of new publications and evaluations.
  • Identify opportunities for south south and triangular learning globally to increase transformative function of GBV prevention programming.
  • Support ongoing efforts to coordinate and enable resource mobilisation efforts to be directed to GBV prevention programming. 

Profile of qualification:


  • Master’s degree in social sciences or related fields with specialized knowledge in the field of gender studies, human rights, or a related field.


  • At least 2 years of experience in GBV prevention, gender equality, and/or human rights programming. 
  • Prior experience in developing countries is an asset.

Key Competencies:

  • Fluency in English.
  • Knowledge of other working languages of the UN is an asset.