
Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen

Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Die Bundesregierung hat mit mehr als 40 Internationalen Organisationen Abkommen zur Förderung von deutschen Nachwuchskräften als JPO geschlossen. Die Federführung des Programms liegt beim Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ); das Büro Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) ist verantwortlich für die Durchführung des Programms. Angesprochen sind Bewerber*innen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit und mit erster Berufserfahrung nach abgeschlossenem Hochschulstudium.

Da es sich um ein Nachwuchsförderprogramm handelt, sollten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber im Regelfall zwischen zwei bis vier Jahren Berufserfahrung haben. 

Wichtige Informationen zur Bewerbung (Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen, Bewerbungsformular, Details zur Stellenbeschreibung etc.) finden Sie auf unserer Website unter, Stichwort: JPO-Programm. 

Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 11. August  2024, 24.00 Uhr MEZ


World Bank Group - JPO, IFC- Sustainable Infrastructure Climate Advisory, Washington D.C., Chiffre Nr. 2024-2-57 

Junior Professional Officer (JPO), Washington DC, USA 
Sector/Unit: IFC- Sustainable Infrastructure Climate Advisory / Industries Vice Presidency 
Duration: 2 years with the possibility of extension for another year. 
Please note that for participants of the World Bank Group JPO-Programme three years of work experience are mandatory!

Main duties and responsibilities (Examples):

  • Prepare client pitches using PowerPoint and research databases to tailor presentations for prospective clients in the energy, mining, transport, and telecommunications sector in emerging markets.
  • Contribute to tailored presentations to support investment officers and client relationship managers to engage in strategic dialogue around beyond-compliance sustainability with clients.
  • Provide technical inputs and designing advisory projects for private sector clients.
  • Develop project concept notes, project implementation plans, budgets, workplans, bi- annual project supervision reports and evidence collection for development impact/results measurement.
  • Manage dashboards to track project progress and human resource mobilization.
  • Support relationship building and mobilization of Climate Advisory strategic integration to Tier 1 client planning and systems management.
  • Support administration and development of content for consultants’ procurement and client contracting.
  • Implement client-facing advisory engagements on decarbonization strategies, climate risk and resilience roadmaps and just transition plans.
  • Develop and apply frameworks for analysis, problem-solving and solutions development.
  • Structure research approaches and conduct primary/secondary data collection.
  • Execute analytical and interpretative tasks on projects, such as market analysis, business and financial analysis, sustainability performance analysis, and data modelling.
  • Manage small projects and contributing significantly to larger projects for corporate and public sector clients. 
  • Work with Team Leads to develop, refine, pitch, and implement advisory products and services with clients specific to Climate Risk, Adaptation and Resilience.
  • Work with the Team Leads to frame the strategy and offering, and define SIA’s Just Transition advisory services and products, and champion business development.
  • Capture lessons learned from regional projects and develop relevant knowledge products. 
  • Support CCA preparation for and contribute at internal climate knowledge sharing forums.

Profile of qualification:


  • Master’s Degree qualified in social sciences, energy, economics, business, international relations, sustainable development management, or similar discipline. 
  • Demonstrable experience in finance and/or sustainable finance activities a plus.
  • A proven track record in co-designing, and implementing, client-facing projects using innovative approaches.
  • Experience working in some or all our target regions (Latin Americas, Africa and Asia).


  • At least 3 years of relevant experience working with companies in management consulting services with a focus on sustainability, sustainable finance, and/or climate science.
  • Proven experience in corporate level decarbonization or climate risk and opportunity assessment and strategy development.

Key Competencies:

  • Fluency in English.
  • Ability to work in other languages a plus.
  • Excellent data analytical skills and interpretation.
  • Understanding of the infrastructure (i.e., power/renewables, water, transport, and mining) sectors and their supply chains.