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Short-term experts (international) and team leader (30 days)

Country: Albania 

Location: Tirana and remote 

We are an independent agricultural consultancy. We have been working for public and private clients in Germany and abroad since 1981. In the field of international development cooperation, we have specialised in the promotion of sustainable agriculture and food security. We are currently tendering for a GIZ assignment "Support to the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Aligning with Chapter 11 of the EU Acquis".

The contract is expected to run from 09/2024 to 09/2025.

We are looking for short-term experts and a team leader (30 days) with experience in Albania.

Tasks of short-term experts:

  • Provide technical assistance in drafting the negotiation position and addressing horizontal issues that intersect with other chapters of the acquis as well as technical assistance to finalize the alignment strategy for the fruits and vegetables sector and the milk/milk product sector
  • To develop at least 5 action plans for the fulfilment of specific horizontal issues (e.g., for the establishment of an LPIS) and sector issues (fruits and vegetables/milk and milk products) of Chapter 11 of EU acquis
  • Provide capacity building to the IIWG for Chapter 11 of EU acquis

Qualifications of short-term experts:

  • Education/training: university degree (German “Diplom”/Master) in agriculture, agriculture economics/policies or related fields
  • Language: C1-level language proficiency in English
  • General professional experience: 5 to 6 experts with 10 years of professional experience in the agriculture policy sector
  • Specific professional experience: 3 to 4 experts with 10 years of professional experience in EU accession and alignment of horizontal issues of Chapter 11, 2 experts with 10 years of professional experience in the EU alignment of the specific sectors of fruits and vegetables and milk and milk products in Chapter 11
  • Regional experience: 5 to 6 experts with 5 years of experience in South-East Europe (region), 3 experts with 2 years of experience in Albania
  • Other: 5 to 6 experts with 5 years of experience in drafting accession negotiating documents for alignment with chapter 11 of the EU acquis.

Your application:

If you are interested, please send your current CV as soon as possible to Ms. Stanimira Penkova, s.penkova@iakleipzig.de, and Ms. Anahi Mariscal, a.mariscal@iakleipzig.de.

Please note that only eligible applicants will be contacted.