Organizations can upload job offers to the epoJob portal ( by themselves or send us an e-mail to In order to upload offers, one needs to register here.
Please login on the home page in the left column under "Registration" with your user name and your password. After logging in you will see the user menu "Post job ad!" Paste the text and assign your job offer with a category "Stellenangebot" (job offers), "Stellengesuch" (if you are looking for a job) or "Praktikum" (intern). You can upload your company or ngo logo. The size of your logo should be 200 - 300 Pixels (width) and the file size below 100 Kilobyte.
You can also upload the job ad directly as a PDF file. To do so, use the field below the text editor, by searching for the corresponding PDF file on your computer and submit the document.
Once the job offer is submitted it cannot be changed anymore until it is acivitated. This usually happens within the next 24 hours. The job offer can be found in chronological order and changes are possible as well. Please send your invoice adress to:
Since 02.04.2024 we have a new pricing list
If you have any questions: Contact our team at +49 (0) 176 81972346 or by e-mail at
Your epoJobs team
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