In which formats should I send the advertisement?
- You can send it in HTML, Word or PDF.
- Photos or logos should be sent separately from the text as .jpg files
What is the advantage of the epo job exchange?
The main advantage of the epo job exchange over other, unspecific job exchanges on the Internet is the clear target group from the spectrum of international cooperation that uses the site. The chance of finding a qualified applicant for a position or a suitable job via epo is therefore very high.
Can I only place ads at the beginning of the month?
No, you can place ads on at any time. Simply state in your e-mail how many months you want the ad to be published. Unless you specify otherwise, job vacancies will be published until the end of the application period stated in the advertisement. If the job offer does not contain an application deadline and you have not specified any other deadline, the advertisement will be published for 30 days from the start of publication.
How long does it take for the advertisement to be online?
As a rule, the job advertisements you send us are online within 24 hours. However, we cannot guarantee this.
Can I only place ads in German?
No, you can also place your ad in English, French, Polish or Spanish.
Do I have to register to access the job advertisements?
No, all contents of the epo job exchange are free of charge and can be accessed without registration.