Send us your advertisement text in plain text format, in Word format or as a PDF file. Logos should be sent separately in jpg format.

Send your job advertisement to the following e-mail address:

Duration of the ad placement:
Please be sure to let us know when you send us your ad text,

  • how many weeks the advertisement should be placed. You can also specify the date (the application deadline) on which the ad should be deleted.
  • In which sections your ad should appear (normally a geographical section and a thematic section).

If you do not specify a publication period, your ad will automatically be published for one month (e.g. from 16.3. to 15.4.). If your advertisement contains an application deadline, we will take this as the publication end date.

Your advertisement is usually online within 48 hours. Ads that reach us on Fridays cannot be published until Monday.

Please note that subsequent changes are very time-consuming because the advertisements appear in several sections and therefore require multiple corrections. We charge a flat rate of EUR 35.00 for the subsequent replacement of advertisement texts.

You can find our price list here.

Payment method:

  • Job advertisers receive an invoice after the advertisement has been placed online. Invoices are only sent as e-mail attachments in PDF format.
  • Payment for job applications is due in advance.

Please provide your full address and telephone number in case of queries!

Please send remittances to:
boldt publishing GmbH
IBAN: DE65 1001 0123 2137 9957 74

Please note that bank transfer fees are to be paid by the customer!

If you hay any questions please contact:

Entwicklungspolitik Online
- Jobbörse -
E-Mail: jobs(at)
Säckinger Str. 8
D-79725 Laufenburg/Baden, Germany
Tel. +49-(0) 176 81972346